Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Privilege of Parenting

To say I am lost for words is a masterpiece of understatement, having just viewed a video online of a 2 year old indonesian child smoking a cigarette, full inhalation of toxic smoke to the lungs with every breath, fully endorsed by insano dad who gave the toddler his first cigarette at 14 months. He apparently now smokes 40 durries a day, and the father is looking forward to giving him his first swig of liquor as bottom shelf booze is cheaper than baby food in Indonesia. What is wrong with this picture???

Parenting is one of the greatest privileges we can have in life. As the parent of two young boys I marvel at the purity of everything that they are and that they do. I feel like I can hear their brains working as they explore the wonders of their young life and their ever expanding world and I try to nourish them with loads of love and cuddles and lots of healthy nutritious food, and exposure to a myriad of life's experiences. We all want to give our babies the best start in life.

The parenting of this poor indonesian boy must surely be classified as child abuse. This baby's growing body is being denied oxygen and fresh air and his brain is being addicted to the toxic chemicals contained in cigarettes, which have been shown to be as addictive as substances such as heroin. Not to mention the physical damage being done to his lungs and other internal structures. Appearing quite sedentary in the video, and happy to be so, he is likely copying the role models around him - a very sad case of monkey see, monkey do. What hope does this poor child have to explore and fulfil the potential of his life?

So, outraged I am, and frustrated I will probably stay, for a little while as it seems to be a problem without a solution.

How do we educate the masses of poor in countries like Indonesia to stop such dreadful abuses occurring. The father of this boy is about to be awarded "Man of the Year" by the tobacco company. An accolade that in his eyes no doubt carries some prestige, and so to his (I assume) uneducated mind, the smoking toddler is a good thing.

As parents we are the strongest role models for our little treasures, most especially in the early years of their lives. As such we have a great responsibility to providing them with a strong platform from which to launch into the adventure of life. It is the small and simple things we do now that will enable them to grow into the magnificent individuals they will be in the future. Be consistent, fair, honest and kind. Exemplify the qualities that you truly aspire to - the quality of your life and theirs will grow exponentially. Teach them self respect above all - that their healthy body and sound mind are their greatest assets in this increasingly challenging world.

This cigarette smoking toddler is not newsworthy. His parents should be charged with child abuse. And as for the little boy, perhaps he should be offered sanctuary in the Hollywood Hills, where therapy is their specialty and adoption of needy babies is a hobby ... let's face it, could he be any worse off?

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