Sunday, July 25, 2010

Intelligent Movement

This month I have been enjoying exploring 'intelligent' exercise.

And it's been fantastic.

Intelligent exercise refers to the process of actually asking the body what it needs and then trying the movements that fit. Then sit back and see what happens, assess and repeat.

It sounds so simple...and it is; and it delivers outstanding results. Over the past few weeks I have used this process with my clients and experienced an incredible response, especially from clients who previously have suffered from injuries or other movement limitations. By taking the time to 'ask' the body what it wants, using a process of movement assessments, including foam roller myofascial release, a clear picture emerges of what each individual requires to enhance and strengthen their movement.

This simple assessment process helps to expose muscle weaknesses and at the same time, where other muscles may be working too hard. Once this is know it becomes a simple process of regressing each exercise to the right stage to enable the client to switch the muscles on in the right order and integrate the whole body into the movement and from there real progress can be made. This process has an added benefit of setting the client up to experience success upon success in their training and so make real progress faster.

Intelligent movement - it is the way of the future.

A huge thanks to Ian O'Dwyer and OD On Movement who's generosity with knowledge and information has allowed me to raise the bar for myself and my clients and delivery truly life changing movement experiences.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Vi is for Vitality

VITALITY! I want some, and so do you! defines "Vitality" as:

1.exuberant physical strength or mental vigor
2.capacity for survival or for the continuation of a meaningful or purposeful existence
3.power to live or grow
4.vital force or principle

I'd say that's something we all want. Now ask yourself if you feel that on a daily basis. Do you enjoy a feeling of exuberant physical strength and mental vigor? Perhaps not. Then it's time to get into ViPR.

I have just returned from a day of training with Ian O'Dwyer for my ViPR Training Certification. What an incredible 8 hours of learning. Here is a tool that enables anyone, and I do mean anyone, to move their body and feel strong and competent whatever direction they are moving. By lengthening the myofascial lines of the body and moving within the range of every individual's body the muscles become stronger and able to move better. We start to move the way the body was intended to move. He calls it 'farm boy strength' :)

The human body is designed to move in three dimensions and to have fun doing it. This kind of movement effectively turns on our energy systems to burn fat, build muscle and improve cardiovascular endurance, and who doesn't want that.

To start any workout with Vitality is an awesome thing. Check out Ian doing some great ViPR training on the beach. What could be better?